Dingwall Medical Group

Health Centre, Ferry Road, Dingwall, IV15 9QS

Telephone: 01349 863034

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PRESCRIPTIONS - Please allow 72 hours for the Practice to have your prescription made available.  You should also be aware that your Pharmacy will require time to process and provide your medication.

Community Services

Community Nurses

Are available to give nursing care to patients in their own home and work closely with the GPs. They are based in the Health Centre and can be contacted by telephoning 01349 862220. If they are out on their rounds a message may be left on their answering machine. The nursing team also have a responsibility to assist with the training of student nurses. You may occasionally be asked if you are willing to have a student nurse assist with your nursing care.

They are available from 9.00am – 5.00pm, seven days per week.

Community Midwives

Help to look after women during pregnancy and during and after giving birth along with GPs and hospital consultants. They hold regular antenatal clinics in the Health Centre. Further details are available and appointments can be made by contacting them on 01349 864571.

Health Visitors

Are registered nurses or Midwives who have undertaken further training enabling them to work to promote the health of children and families.  The Health Visitor is now the named person for all pre-school children.   Health Visitors usually start visiting families when their new baby is around 10-14 days old and continue with regular contact until the child starts primary school.  Health Visitors and other members of the team organise parenting groups, baby massage and other activities to promote good health. They can also offer practical advice and help on an individual basis.  Health Visitors are based within the community and usually visit families at home.

They work Monday – Friday, 9.00am to 5.00pm and have an answerphone service operating when they are unavailable or out on visits etc. They can be contacted on 01349 868520. Please phone them to make an appointment.

School Nurses

Provide health care in the school setting for all children from primary 1 to secondary 6. This includes screening, health education, counselling, ‘drop-ins’ and home visits. They can be contacted on 01349 868833.


Please be aware you are required to complete a self referral form if you wish a podiatry appointment.

The electronic self referral form and guidance on how to complete this are available to download here:

Guidance on Podiatry Electronic Self Referral Form

Podiatry Electronic Self Referral Form – Microsoft Word Download

Podiatry Electronic Self Referral Form – PDF Download

Alternatively a paper copy is available from our Reception to post to the Highland Podiatry Department.

Please be aware NHS Highland Podiatry Service do not carry out simple nail cutting.

Substance Misuse Nurses

Are mental health nurses who specialise in helping people with alcohol or drug problems.  Substance misuse nurses recognise it can be very difficult to change established habits and would initially meet with a patient to discuss to what extent alcohol or drugs are a problem for an individual and to look at what treatment options may be suitable.

They work Monday to Friday 9.00am – 5.00pm. Please ask your doctor to refer you if you want help to address an alcohol or drug problem.  Alternatively, the nurses can be contacted directly on 01349 855677.

Highland Sexual Health

Highland Sexual Health clinics run throughout Highland and provide a free, confidential, one-stop service for men and women. The nurses and doctors are specially trained in sexual health and contraception and their aim is to deal with everyone in a friendly, non-judgemental and sensitive way.

For more information and contact numbers please follow the link below.

Highland Sexual Health

Opening Times

  • Monday
    08:00am to 06:00pm
  • Tuesday
    08:00am to 06:00pm
  • Wednesday
    08:00am to 06:00pm
  • Thursday
    08:00am to 06:00pm
  • Friday
    08:00am to 06:00pm
  • Saturday
  • Sunday
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